Presentation of the Recite II Eurosilvasur project

The Eurosilvasur project is an inter-regional cooperation project financed by the RECITE II programme. The goal of the project, initiated by the Foresters Guild of Southern Europe (USSE) under the leadership of the Aquitaine Regional Council is to strengthen the forest-wood sector in the South of Europe.
It has 6 concrete objectives to be achieved through a number of actions related to the economy of the sector (4), to forestry research specifically (1) and to communication (1).

Economy :
   · Action 1 : organisation of the forestry producers and cooperation
   · Action 2 : setting-up of a permanent inter-regional dash-board on forestry and wood
   · Action 3 : improved competitiveness of the SME/SMI in the sawn timber sector
   · Action 4 : financing forestry firms

Research :
   · Action 5 : Forests from Southern Europe and sustainable development. Forest Research Center Network : European Institute for the Cultivated Forest

Communication :
   · Action 6 : Communication

The main objective of Action 6 "communication", is the production of TV programmes on the forest, focused on the relationship between man and forest and the concept of man-made forest. The action was initiated in 1995 by Marie - Paule URBAN, Assistant Secretary General, CIRCOM Regional, in charge of the International Relations Department, France 3 (Alsace) TV, and Yves LESGOURGUES, USSE director, during a meeting of the European Heads of Project at the European Commission in Brussels.


1. Importance of the Regions

RECITE II projects insist on very precise geographical zoning. The notion of Region is decisive from the start. It is of utmost importance for the European Commission that the actions on the programme are carried out within the context of the Regions on the project. These regions were selected in compliance with the FEDER objectives.

The geographical zone of Eurosilvasur is the southern part of the Atlantic arc, a macro-forestry region straddling 3 countries (France, Spain, Portugal). Seven regions are partners in the project: Aquitaine (F), Poitou-Charentes (F), Euskadi (S), Navarra (S), Galicia (S), North Portugal (P), Central Portugal (P).

2. Partnership

For each region , partnership follows the same pattern :
   · The regional authority is the main partner : Regional Councils in France, Autonomous Communities in Spain and Coordination Commissions in Portugal.
   · In order to carry these actions through successfully, associate partners join them: Tree-growers associations, Forestry Research Centres, forest managers and sawyers associations.
CIRCOM Regional fits in exactly with this context and with the objective of the programme regarding the development of forests in Southern Europe.

The USSE, interregional partner who initiated the project, coordinates and leads - the associated partners network.


Between the beginning of the works and the date of the end of payments, the project manager shall submit 3 reports :
   · report on the feasibility assessment
   · intermediary report
   · final report
Expenses supporting documents shall be included with each report. Payment of advance community funds and of subsidies balance shall be based on them.
In addition to the above-mentioned reports, the project manager shall send the Commission a status report and a control-chart of payments every six months.


The total budget for the production of the collection of TV programmes is 302 540 €, that is 1 984 532 FRF.

After a schedule of conditions is decided by the Editing Committee and validated by the main partners, subsidies shall be paid in 3 lumps: on submission of the synopsis, at the start and on acceptance of the PAD.
Each co-producing regional station shall be granted a sealed envelope validated by the Editing Committee.

The participating CR Regional stations shall contribute by their know-how and their staff and technical resources to the successful production of a programme without any financial help.


General organisation :

The project formal leader, the Aquitaine Regional Council, shall be the number 1 main partner. It shall be responsible for implementing the actions on the project as well as ensuring the good use of Community funds, administered on the Commission's authority by the SSOE (USSE member in Aquitaine). The latter shall be responsible for the technical control of the actions and the accounts supervision of the project in compliance with the European Commission requirements on strict control of expenditures. Each region shall be required to do regional accountings and to appoint an accountant.

(1) European Economic Interest Group joined by forest owners organizations from France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. USSE is recognized as an NGO by the United Nations Organization and is a member ELO (European Landowners Organization).

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